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The registration process takes less than 5 minutes. Please note, you must to be over the age of 17 to become a registered member with The NIL Source.

Benefits included with all memberships:

  • Ability to submit/update profile information: name, photo, contact information

  • Links to contact information for athletes, service providers, colleges, and businesses (if provided)

  • Links to university websites and athletic websites

  • Links to NCAA NIL information (if provided)

  • Links to university NIL information (if provided)

  • Links to industry professional profiles (agents, attorneys, managers, financial planners, etc.)

  • Links to advertiser and marketer profiles

  • Ability to follow favorite members

  • Access to member profiles

  • Ability to search member profiles by selected criteria

Choose your plan

  • Best Value

    Free Trial

    Limited time offer
    Valid for 6 months
    • Unlimited Access to databases and member information
  • Athletes

    Every year
    This plan is for athletes, parents and guardians
    Valid for 2 years+ 60 day free trial
    • • Limited two-month free membership
    • • Ability to submit and update profile information
    • • Ability to list athletic statistics
    • • Ability to list NIL partnerships
    • • Ability to list NIL interests
    • • Ability to post to NIL Deal Tracker updates
  • Colleges

    Every year
    Colleges and Universities
    Valid for 2 years+ 7 day free trial
    • • Ability to update university information
    • • Ability to add and update state NIL laws
    • • Ability to add and update university NIL rules
    • • Ability to add university NIL statistics
    • • Ability to add total dollars earned from NIL by athletes
    • • Ability to add targeted NIL information
    • • Ability to add comments section
    • • Ability to post to NIL Deal Tracker updates
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